The Bronze God of Rhodes
- THE BRONZE GOD OF RHODES - An acrylic painting on a 16 x 20 size canvas board. It was intended to be the cover art for a softcover book titled, "The Bronze God of Rhodes," an historical novel by L. Sprague de Camp, scheduled for publication in 1983 by Donning Starblaze Editions. It was never published by Donning.
Some editors have been known to make curious decisions leading many a writer and illustrator to become rather frustrated with the publishing industry. One such writer, Chuck Ross, was so frustrated he decided to expose the whole lot of them and came up with a plan; he selected a book, "STEPS," by Jerzy Kozinski, that had won the National Book Award for Best Novel just a few years earlier. Ross had twenty-seven copies of the manuscript printed up and sent a copy to 14 major publishers and 13 big time literary agents.
All of them rejected the novel, including Random House, the original publisher of the book. None of the editors or literary agents showed any sign that they recognized this National Book Award winner.
Does that surprise you?
It surprises me. Every time I learn of a hugely successful book that the author, had difficulty getting published, it surprises me.
But it shouldn't . . . There is a saying, "To recognize a great work of art you must know what makes a work of art great.
So, I guess those editors who reject great works of art, just don't "know".
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